This is a blog is about the replica WWII era caps and other flight gear I have made.

Flying caps are a fascinating part of WWII flying gear. Like the A-2 jacket, they are still functional and stylish today. I hope to include a smattering of info about the original caps from which my caps are modeled.

The patterns I use are taken primarily from originals in my collection. One of the biggest challenges is to find materials in the correct weave, weight, and color. More often than not I have to dye the fabrics.

All cap materials are hand dyed, hand cut, and hand assembled. Starting with nothing and having something I can wear is all part of the enjoyment. It can be very time consuming but there is a sense of pride that comes with it. I wear one of my caps almost daily.

With each cap I make, quality improves and ideas for other caps come. Blemishes and all, I think they can be pretty convincing.

This is not a business nor an "Items For Sale" site. There is no way to recoup the time spent on these projects. Nonetheless, you might find an item offered for sale here and there. I can only hoard so many!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

AAF Shaving Bag

I finally decided that the traditional shaving bag I have always obligatorily stuffed into my backpack was just too large for my kind of travel. In fact, such travel is all we do anymore even on month-long trips. Back in the day of carrying full-sized shampoo, shaving cream/electric shaver, etc. the standard bags were fine. The new FAA limits disallow containers greater than 3oz. so... I decided to make my own in a style I liked using materials I was comfortable with - a sort of WWII flight accessory look. Here is what I came up with.  photo 6CD686D2-8141-4D30-92F9-EF4C3DC96A88_zpswcun7giy.jpg  photo A94926F6-7063-4DBF-8AAB-2E106060D2D0_zpsqds3r2ji.jpg